What is Alexa's rankings?
Picture of Alexa's toolbar.
Information on Alexa:
You might have heard us, and/or other people talk about Alexa and their ranking system. Alexa ranks each individual domain name according to the amount of traffic it receives in a 3 month average, not how "important" the site is like Google. You can view the rankings directly at their site (http://www.alexa.com) or if you download their toolbar, whenever you go to any site, the rankings will be shown on the toolbar itself a long with other useful links and information to help you save time. You can help your Alexa ranking by downloading the toolbar yourself and setting your web page as the home page. Alexa toolbar tracks which sites you visit and according to the amount of traffic each site, the better or worse the ranking. With downloading the toolbar yourself and you going to your page makes Alexa track it and thus boost your total amount of traffic.